
How to invest directly.

  • Review the Offer Document.

  • Consider additional information on the website such as the latest Fact Sheet.

  • Download the Application Form and follow the instructions. Contact Cor Capital by phone or email if you require assistance.

How to Invest via Third Party Platforms (including superannuation).

A platform or a 'wrap' account combines your investments such as listed securities, managed funds and shares, into one account, eliminating some of the administrative burden and paperwork that usually comes with managing individual investments separately.

Some wrap platforms are also superannuation funds that you can join as a member. You choose the investments that make up your portfolio* and the platform provider will take care of all administration such as reporting of super contributions, payment of tax, and performance reporting.

*Limitations may apply.

The Cor Capital Fund is available for investment through these organisations and providers:

BrightDay PowerWrap Praemium
Mason-Stevens-427x132 Netwealth OneVue
Hub24 Ausmaq Super-Prophets